Setting Up SMTP Relaying (for Imagers that do not support Authentication)

 April 23, 2010

Note: You will need to know the IP address of your Sharp MFP.

These instructions are necessary (see attached PDF below) if the email provider does not allow anonymous relaying, thus requiring Authentication (username & password).

Important: This guide shows how to install Internet Information Services (IIS) on a Windows computer (cannot be running a Windows Home Edition operating system). The computer must always be on during business hours.

Path where emails end up on Windows SMTP servers:  

Some SMTP servers like GMAIL require SSL in addition to authentication. Follow this guide (see PDF attachment) if your SMTP server requires SSL.

Note: This is for Sharp Imagers that do not support Authentication: AR-285, AR-287, AR-335, AR-405, AR-337, AR-407, AR-505, AR-507, AR-M280, AR-M350, AR-M450, F0-DC500/525/535/600/625/635