These instructions are necessary (see attached PDF below) if the email provider does not allow anonymous relaying, thus requiring Authentication (username & password).
Important: This guide shows how to install Internet Information Services (IIS) on a Windows computer (cannot be running a Windows Home Edition operating system). The computer must always be on during business hours.Path where emails end up on Windows SMTP servers: C:\Inetpub\mailroot\QueueC:\Inetpub\mailroot\Badmail Some SMTP servers like GMAIL require SSL in addition to authentication. Follow this guide (see PDF attachment) if your SMTP server requires SSL.
Note: This is for Sharp Imagers that do not support Authentication: AR-285, AR-287, AR-335, AR-405, AR-337, AR-407, AR-505, AR-507, AR-M280, AR-M350, AR-M450, F0-DC500/525/535/600/625/635